Fatima Ameer’s life in pink

A heart opening up in chronicles, wrapped in sweet perfumes. A rose comes with thorns, the details of each thorn contain an introspect of Fatima’s experiences. ‘La vie en rose’ translates to ‘life in pink’. La vie en rose is not the music for any house, it is for those who believe that life is what you make it.

As we scroll through Fatima’s digital timeline, each creation is a joy; each joy is a choice that has been made, choices that have required deep faith. A life laid out to show that she is here after all, a passion that is not just gorgeous illusions but also all the ugly truths. A stage built on frustrations and accomplishments, dreams and delays. The simple fragrance of these works resonates deeply, there is a familiarity to her practice like the fineness of dewdrops, like knowing someone you don’t want to become a memory, like the laughter of a child, and like the eternal energy of a rose garden. 

Greek philosopher Epicurus was one of the first to bluntly declare that pleasure is what makes life worth living. Hedonism has slightly negative connotations and Epicureanism has many misrepresentations. Epicurus certainly praised pleasures but he didn’t advocate that we lose ourselves in them. A fulfilled life is more than subjective experiences, and Creation, is as many mediums as Fatima does, as freely as she does it, has that ‘feel good’ quality. Socrates emphasizes virtue and Epicurus advocates pleasure, Aristotle says we all want to be happy. Can we describe happiness? It could be said to exercise our individually unique human capabilities to understand what virtue, health, prosperity, friendship, respect, engagement, and luck means to each of us. 

The velvet of a sofa, the powder on the dresser, a raspberry bubble gum, it is a juxtaposition of shades. Fatima’s working ethic encourages us to mix these shades, and take them far. It has never been about promises but broken lines. Throw in some orange, maybe blue? A touch of optimism. Just fall in love with life.

Image: Untitled, Fatima Ameer, mix media, all copyrights retained by the artist 2023.